import java.math.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Random;
class MainProject
* Affine Cipher Methods
public static String AffineEncoder(String plaintext, int multKey, int addKey)
int len = plaintext.length(), asciiValue, newValue;
String ciphertext = new String();
char current;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
current = plaintext.charAt(i);
asciiValue = ((int)current);
if (Character.isSpace(current))
ciphertext += ' ';
else if (asciiValue > 90)
asciiValue -= 32;
if (asciiValue >= 65 && asciiValue <= 90)
newValue = (multKey * (asciiValue - 64)) + addKey;
if (newValue > 26)
newValue = (newValue % 26);
if (newValue == 0)
newValue = 26;
ciphertext += (char)(newValue + 64);
return ciphertext;
public static String AffineDecoder(String ciphertext, String multKey, int addKey)
BigInteger blah = new BigInteger(multKey);
BigInteger modValue = new BigInteger("26");
int len = ciphertext.length(), asciiValue, newValue;
String plaintext = new String();
char current;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
current = ciphertext.charAt(i);
asciiValue = ((int)ciphertext.charAt(i));
if (Character.isSpace(current))
plaintext += ' ';
else if (asciiValue < 97)
asciiValue += 32;
if (asciiValue >= 97 && asciiValue <= 122)
newValue = (blah.modInverse(modValue)).intValue() * ((asciiValue - 96) - addKey);
newValue %= 26;
//if it equals 0, it's actually supposed to equal 26
if (newValue == 0)
newValue = 26;
//if it's less than 0, then it's merely 26 away
if (newValue < 0)
newValue += 26;
plaintext += (char)(newValue + 96);
return plaintext;
* Autokey Cipher Methods
//x is used to mark the place in the keyword because i increments no matter what the char is. x only increments if it's a letter.
public static String AutokeyEncoder(String plaintext, String keyword)
int len = plaintext.length(), asciiValue, newValue, letterValue, x = 0, counter = 0, nexti = 0;
String ciphertext = new String();
char current;
plaintext = plaintext.toUpperCase(); //it makes it easier to have it all in one case
keyword = keyword.toUpperCase();
for (int i = 0; i < keyword.length(); i++)
current = plaintext.charAt(i);
if (Character.isSpace(current))
ciphertext += ' ';
current = plaintext.charAt(i);
asciiValue = ((int)current);
//if it's an uppercase letter, encode it
if (asciiValue >= 65 && asciiValue <= 90)
letterValue = asciiValue - 65;
newValue = letterValue + (((int)(keyword.charAt(counter))) - 65);
newValue %= 26;
ciphertext += (char)(newValue + 65);//add it to the ciphertext
nexti = i;
x = 0;
for (int i = nexti + 1; i < len; i++)
char temp = ' ';
current = plaintext.charAt(i);
if (Character.isSpace(current))
ciphertext += ' ';
current = plaintext.charAt(i);
asciiValue = ((int)current);
//if it's an uppercase letter, encode it
if (asciiValue >= 65 && asciiValue <= 90)
letterValue = asciiValue - 65;
temp = ciphertext.charAt(x);
while (temp == ' ')
temp = ciphertext.charAt(x);
newValue = letterValue + (((int)(temp)) - 65);//add the shift
newValue %= 26;
ciphertext += (char)(newValue + 65);//add it to the ciphertext
temp = ' ';
return ciphertext;
public static String AutokeyDecoderForLength(String ciphertext, int keywordLength)
int x = 0, len = ciphertext.length(), asciiValue, newValue, letterValue, y = 0;
String plaintext = new String();
char current, temp = ' ';
ciphertext = ciphertext.toLowerCase();//it makes it easier to have it all in one case
for (int i = 0; i < keywordLength; i++)
if (x < ciphertext.length())
plaintext += ciphertext.charAt(x);
if (Character.isSpace(ciphertext.charAt(x - 1)))
plaintext += ciphertext.charAt(x);
y = x;
x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (len - y); i++)
current = ciphertext.charAt(i + y);
if (Character.isSpace(current))
plaintext += ' ';
asciiValue = ((int)current);
if (asciiValue >= 97 && asciiValue <= 122)//if it's a lowercase letter, process it
letterValue = asciiValue - 97;
temp = ciphertext.charAt(x);
while (temp == ' ')
temp = ciphertext.charAt(x);
newValue = letterValue - (((int)(temp)) - 97); //take off the shift
newValue %= 26;
//if we've gone below 0, we add 26, which has the effect of wrapping around to the end of the alphabet
if (newValue < 0)
newValue += 26;
plaintext += (char)(newValue + 97);//add it to the plaintext
temp = ' ';
return plaintext;
public static String AutokeyDecoderForKeyword(String ciphertext, String keyword)
int x = 0, len = ciphertext.length(), asciiValue, newValue, letterValue, y = 0;
String plaintext = new String();
char current, temp = ' ';
ciphertext = ciphertext.toLowerCase();//it makes it easier to have it all in one case
keyword = keyword.toLowerCase();
int keywordLength = keyword.length();
for (int i = 0; i < keywordLength; i++)
current = ciphertext.charAt(x);
if (Character.isSpace(current))
plaintext += ' ';
current = ciphertext.charAt(x);
asciiValue = ((int)current);
if (asciiValue >= 97 && asciiValue <= 122)//if it's a lowercase letter, process it
letterValue = asciiValue - 97;
newValue = letterValue - (((int)(keyword.charAt(i))) - 97); //take off the shift
newValue %= 26;
//if we've gone below 0, we add 26, which has the effect of wrapping around to the end of the alphabet
if (newValue < 0)
newValue += 26;
plaintext += (char)(newValue + 97);//add it to the plaintext
y = x;
x = 0;
for (int i = 0/*keywordLength*/; i < (len - y); i++)
current = ciphertext.charAt(i + y);// + keywordLength);
if (Character.isSpace(current))
plaintext += ' ';
asciiValue = ((int)current);
if (asciiValue >= 97 && asciiValue <= 122)//if it's a lowercase letter, process it
letterValue = asciiValue - 97;
temp = ciphertext.charAt(x);
while (temp == ' ')
temp = ciphertext.charAt(x);
newValue = letterValue - (((int)(temp)) - 97); //take off the shift
newValue %= 26;
//if we've gone below 0, we add 26, which has the effect of wrapping around to the end of the alphabet
if (newValue < 0)
newValue += 26;
plaintext += (char)(newValue + 97);//add it to the plaintext
temp = ' ';
return plaintext;
* Caesar Shift Cipher Methods
public static String CaesarEncoder(String plaintext, int shiftNumber)
int len = plaintext.length(), asciiValue, newValue;
String ciphertext = new String();
char current;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
current = plaintext.charAt(i);
if (Character.isSpace(current))
ciphertext += ' ';
current = Character.toUpperCase(current);//ciphertext should be in uppercase
asciiValue = ((int)current);
//if it's an uppercase letter, encode it
if (asciiValue >= 65 && asciiValue <= 90)
newValue = asciiValue + shiftNumber;//add the shift
//if it's left the range of uppercase letters, subtract 26, which wraps it around to the beginning of the alphabet
if (newValue > 90)
newValue -= 26;
ciphertext += (char)newValue;//add it to the ciphertext
return ciphertext;
public static String CaesarDecoder(String ciphertext, int shiftNumber)
int len = ciphertext.length(), asciiValue, newValue;
String plaintext = new String();
char current;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
current = ciphertext.charAt(i);
if (Character.isSpace(current))
plaintext += ' ';
current = Character.toLowerCase(current);//plaintext should be in lowercase
asciiValue = ((int)current);
if (asciiValue >= 97 && asciiValue <= 122)//if it's a lowercase letter, process it
newValue = asciiValue - shiftNumber; //take off the shift
//if we've left the bound of lowercase letters, we add 26, which has the effect of wrapping around to the end of the alphabet
if (newValue < 97)
newValue += 26;
plaintext += (char)newValue;//add it to the plaintext
return plaintext;
* Gronsfeld Methods
//x is used to mark the place in the keyword because i increments no matter what the char is. x only increments if it's a letter.
public static String GronsfeldEncoder(String plaintext)
int len = plaintext.length(), asciiValue, newValue, letterValue, x = 0;
String ciphertext = new String();
char currentLetter;
int currentNumber;
Random rand = new Random();
plaintext = plaintext.toUpperCase(); //it makes it easier to have it all in one case
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
currentLetter = plaintext.charAt(i);
while (Character.isSpace(currentLetter))
ciphertext += ' ';
currentLetter = plaintext.charAt(i);
asciiValue = ((int)currentLetter);
//if it's an uppercase letter, encode it
if (asciiValue >= 65 && asciiValue <= 90)
letterValue = asciiValue - 65;
currentNumber = rand.nextInt(10);
newValue = letterValue + currentNumber;//add the shift
newValue %= 26;
ciphertext += (char)(newValue + 65);//add it to the ciphertext
ciphertext += "" + currentNumber;
return ciphertext;
public static String GronsfeldDecoder(String ciphertext)
int x = 0, len = ciphertext.length(), asciiValue, newValue, letterValue;
String plaintext = new String();
char currentLetter;
Character temp;
int currentNumber;
ciphertext = ciphertext.toLowerCase();//it makes it easier to have it all in one case
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2)
currentLetter = ciphertext.charAt(i);
while (Character.isSpace(currentLetter))
plaintext += ' ';
currentLetter = ciphertext.charAt(i);
temp = new Character(ciphertext.charAt(i + 1));
currentNumber = Integer.parseInt(temp.toString());
asciiValue = ((int)currentLetter);
if (asciiValue >= 97 && asciiValue <= 122)//if it's a lowercase letter, process it
letterValue = asciiValue - 97;
newValue = letterValue - currentNumber; //take off the shift
//if we've gone below 0, we add 26, which has the effect of wrapping around to the end of the alphabet
if (newValue < 0)
newValue += 26;
plaintext += (char)(newValue + 97);//add it to the plaintext
return plaintext;
* Keyword Cipher Methods
public static String KeywordEncoder(String plaintext, String keyword, int startingPlace)
char key[] = new char[26];
int len = plaintext.length(), asciiValue, newValue;
String ciphertext = new String();
char current;
key = EncodeKeyGenerator(keyword, startingPlace);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
current = plaintext.charAt(i);
asciiValue = ((int)plaintext.charAt(i));
if (Character.isSpace(current))
ciphertext += ' ';
else if (asciiValue > 90)
asciiValue -= 32;
if (asciiValue >= 65 && asciiValue <= 90)
ciphertext += key[asciiValue - 65];
return ciphertext;
public static String KeywordDecoder(String ciphertext, String keyword, int startingPlace)
char key[] = new char[26];
int len = ciphertext.length(), asciiValue, newValue, x = 0;
String plaintext = new String();
char current;
ciphertext = ciphertext.toLowerCase();
key = DecodeKeyGenerator(keyword, startingPlace);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
x = 0;
current = ciphertext.charAt(i);
if (Character.isSpace(current))
plaintext += ' ';
while (current != key[x] && x != 26)
asciiValue = x + 97;
plaintext += ((char)asciiValue);
return plaintext;
//Generates your key in upper case letters
public static char[] EncodeKeyGenerator(String keyword, int startingPlace)
keyword = keyword.toUpperCase();
char[] alphabet = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'};
char key[] = {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '};
int j = startingPlace; //j represents the next place in the key array to place a letter
for (int i = 0; i < keyword.length(); i++)
char current = keyword.charAt(i);
//remove letter from Alphabet
if (alphabet[((int)(current) - 65)] != ' ')
key[j] = current;
alphabet[((int)(current) - 65)] = ' ';
j = (j + 1) % 26;
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
if (alphabet[i] != ' ')
key[j] = alphabet[i];
alphabet[i] = ' ';
j = (j + 1) % 26;
return key;
public static char[] DecodeKeyGenerator(String keyword, int startingPlace)
char alphabet[] = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'};
char key[] = {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '};
keyword = keyword.toLowerCase();
int j = startingPlace; //j represents the next place in the key array to place a letter
for (int i = 0; i < keyword.length(); i++)
char current = keyword.charAt(i);
//remove letter from Alphabet
if (alphabet[((int)(current) - 97)] != ' ')
key[j] = current;
alphabet[((int)(current) - 97)] = ' ';
j = (j + 1) % 26;
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
if (alphabet[i] != ' ')
key[j] = alphabet[i];
alphabet[i] = ' ';
j = (j + 1) % 26;
return key;
* Vigenere Cipher Methods
//x is used to mark the place in the keyword because i increments no matter what the char is. x only increments if it's a letter.
public static String VigenereEncoder(String plaintext, String keyword)
int len = plaintext.length(), asciiValue, newValue, letterValue, x = 0;
String ciphertext = new String();
char current;
plaintext = plaintext.toUpperCase(); //it makes it easier to have it all in one case
keyword = keyword.toUpperCase();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
current = plaintext.charAt(i);
if (Character.isSpace(current))
ciphertext += ' ';
asciiValue = ((int)current);
//if it's an uppercase letter, encode it
if (asciiValue >= 65 && asciiValue <= 90)
letterValue = asciiValue - 65;
newValue = letterValue + (((int)(keyword.charAt(x%(keyword.length())))) - 65);//add the shift
newValue %= 26;
ciphertext += (char)(newValue + 65);//add it to the ciphertext
return ciphertext;
public static String VigenereDecoder(String ciphertext, String keyword)
int x = 0, len = ciphertext.length(), asciiValue, newValue, letterValue;
String plaintext = new String();
char current;
ciphertext = ciphertext.toLowerCase();//it makes it easier to have it all in one case
keyword = keyword.toLowerCase();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
current = ciphertext.charAt(i);
if (Character.isSpace(current))
plaintext += ' ';
asciiValue = ((int)current);
if (asciiValue >= 97 && asciiValue <= 122)//if it's a lowercase letter, process it
letterValue = asciiValue - 97;
newValue = letterValue - (((int)keyword.charAt(x%keyword.length())) - 97); //take off the shift
newValue %= 26;
//if we've gone below 0, we add 26, which has the effect of wrapping around to the end of the alphabet
if (newValue < 0)
newValue += 26;
plaintext += (char)(newValue + 97);//add it to the plaintext
return plaintext;
* Main method to integrate all cipher techniques in a frame
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
String ciphertext = new String(), plaintext = new String(), keyword = new String(), outputFilename = new String(), startingPlaceString;
int encodeChoice, cipherChoice, repeat = 1, shiftNumber, i, multKey = 2, addKey, keywordLength, startingPlace;
while (repeat == 1)
encodeChoice = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your choice:\n1) Encode a message\n2) Decode a message"));
outputFilename = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the filename for the output");
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputFilename + ".txt");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
cipherChoice = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your choice:\n1) Affine Cipher\n2) Autokey Cipher\n3) Caesar Shift Cipher\n4) Gronsfeld Cipher\n5) Keyword Cipher\n6) Vigenere"));
switch (encodeChoice)
case 1: //Encoding main methods
plaintext = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the plaintext: ");
switch (cipherChoice)
case 1: //Affine
while (multKey % 2 == 0 || multKey == 13)
multKey = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the multiplicative key (between 0 and 26) you with to use to encode it: "));
addKey = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the additive key you with to use to encode it: "));
ciphertext = AffineEncoder(plaintext, multKey, addKey);
System.out.println("Mult. key : " + multKey + " Additive key: " + addKey + " " + ciphertext + "");
bw.write("Mult. key : " + multKey + " Additive key: " + addKey + " " + ciphertext + "");
case 2: //Autokey
keyword = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the keyword you would like to be placed at the beginning: ");
ciphertext = AutokeyEncoder(plaintext, keyword);
System.out.println("Key " + keyword + " : " + ciphertext + "");
bw.write("Encoded with key " + keyword + " : \n" + ciphertext + "");
case 3: //Caesar
shiftNumber = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the shift number(1 - 26) you would like to encode it with: "));
ciphertext = CaesarEncoder(plaintext, shiftNumber);
System.out.println("Key " + shiftNumber + " : " + ciphertext + "");
bw.write("Key " + shiftNumber + " : \n" + ciphertext + "");
case 4: //Gronsfeld
ciphertext = GronsfeldEncoder(plaintext);
System.out.println("Ciphertext : " + ciphertext + "");
bw.write("Ciphertext : \n" + ciphertext + "");
case 5: //Keyword
if (plaintext == null) //if cancel button is hit
keyword = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the keyword you would like to encode it with: ");
if (keyword == null) //if cancel button is hit
startingPlaceString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter where the keyword should start (0 - 25 or a-z): ");
if (startingPlaceString == null) //if cancel button is hit
if (Character.isDigit(startingPlaceString.charAt(0)))
startingPlace = Integer.parseInt(startingPlaceString);
startingPlace = ((int)(startingPlaceString.charAt(0)) - 97);
ciphertext = KeywordEncoder(plaintext, keyword, startingPlace);
System.out.println("Key " + keyword + ": " + ciphertext + "");
case 6: //Vigenere
keyword = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the keyword you would like to encode it with: ");
ciphertext = VigenereEncoder(plaintext, keyword);
System.out.println("Key " + keyword + " : " + ciphertext + "");
bw.write("Key " + keyword + " : \n" + ciphertext + "");
case 2: //Decoding main methods
ciphertext = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the ciphertext: ");
switch (cipherChoice)
case 1: //Affine
String multKeyString = new String();
multKeyString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the multiplicative key it was encoded with: ");
addKey = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the additive key it was encoded with: "));
plaintext = AffineDecoder(ciphertext, multKeyString, addKey);
System.out.println("Mult. key : " + multKeyString + " Additive key: " + addKey + " " + plaintext + "");
bw.write("Mult. key : " + multKeyString + " Additive key: " + addKey + " " + plaintext + "");
case 2: //Autokey
keyword = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the keyword, the length of the keyword that was used in the encoding or -1 to brute force it: ");
if (!Character.isLetter(keyword.charAt(0)))
keywordLength = Integer.parseInt(keyword);
if (keywordLength != -1)
plaintext = AutokeyDecoderForLength(ciphertext, keywordLength);
System.out.println("Key of length " + keywordLength + " : " + plaintext + "\n");
bw.write("Key of length " + keywordLength + " : " + plaintext + "\n");
for (keywordLength = 1; keywordLength < ciphertext.length(); keywordLength++) //start with the key equal to 1 and run through them
plaintext = AutokeyDecoderForLength(ciphertext, keywordLength);
//Just some output formatting
if (keywordLength >= 10)
System.out.println("Key of length " + keywordLength + " : " + plaintext + "\n");
bw.write("Key of length " + keywordLength + " : " + plaintext + "\n");
System.out.println("Key of length 0" + keywordLength + " : " + plaintext + "\n");
//This is here to keep it easy to read.
if (keywordLength % 5 == 0 && keywordLength != 0 && keywordLength != 25)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Press Enter To Continue");
plaintext = AutokeyDecoderForKeyword(ciphertext, keyword);
System.out.println("Key " + keyword + " : " + plaintext + "\n");
bw.write("Key " + keyword + " : " + plaintext + "\n");
case 3: //Caesar
shiftNumber = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the shift number(1 - 25) it was encoded with or enter -1 to run the alphabet: "));
if (shiftNumber != -1)
plaintext = CaesarDecoder(ciphertext, shiftNumber);//26 -
System.out.println("Key " + (shiftNumber) + " " + plaintext + "");
System.out.println("This will only print the first seventy characters to keep it easy to read");
for (shiftNumber = 1; shiftNumber < 26; shiftNumber++) //start with the key equal to 1 and run through them
plaintext = CaesarDecoder(ciphertext, shiftNumber);
//Just some output formatting
if (shiftNumber >= 10)
System.out.print("Key " + shiftNumber + " : ");
for (i = 0; i < 69; i++)
System.out.println(plaintext.charAt(69) + "\n");
bw.write("Key " + shiftNumber + " : " + plaintext + "");
System.out.print("Key 0" + shiftNumber + " : ");
for (i = 0; i < 69; i++)
System.out.println(plaintext.charAt(69) + "\n");
bw.write("Key " + shiftNumber + " : " + plaintext + "");
//This is here to keep it easy to read.
if (shiftNumber % 5 == 0 && shiftNumber != 0 && shiftNumber != 25)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Press Enter To Continue");
case 4: //Gronsfeld
plaintext = GronsfeldDecoder(ciphertext);
System.out.println("Plaintext: " + plaintext);
bw.write("Plaintext: " + plaintext);
case 5: //Keyword
if (ciphertext == null) //if cancel button is hit
keyword = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the keyword the message was encoded with: ");
if (keyword == null) //if cancel button is hit
startingPlaceString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter where the keyword should start (0 - 25 or a-z): ");
if (startingPlaceString == null) //if cancel button is hit
if (Character.isDigit(startingPlaceString.charAt(0)))
startingPlace = Integer.parseInt(startingPlaceString);
startingPlace = ((int)(startingPlaceString.charAt(0)) - 97);
plaintext = KeywordDecoder(ciphertext, keyword, startingPlace);
System.out.println("Key " + keyword + ": " + plaintext + "");
case 6: //Vigenere
keyword = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the keyword the message was encoded with: ");
plaintext = VigenereDecoder(ciphertext, keyword);
System.out.println("Key " + keyword + " : " + plaintext + "");
bw.write("Key " + keyword + " : \n" + plaintext + "");
repeat = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Would you like to go again?"));
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Project Completed.");
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